Junk Removal & Dismantling Specialists | Fully Licensed & Insured

Wood and Construction Material Removed from Reston, VA Yard

“I had a large pile of cut up construction wood, fire wood and general yard wood that I wanted removed. All shapes and sizes from 8 foot long to 6 inches long. I phoned Monday morning to alert them that the wood was ready and it was gone by Monday noon. What impressed me was that every little scrape was gone, very nice clean up after picking up the wood.”
– Reston, VA

Managing the disposal or recycling of construction material can be a daunting task – you have to deal with its’ collection, rent a vehicle that will fit it all or make multiple trips, and research where to drop it off and the disposal fees. Git Rid of It unloads this burden and will do everything for you! From scheduling the pick up to removal of the items and the clean up, we’ve got you covered. Call today!