Junk Removal & Dismantling Specialists | Fully Licensed & Insured

One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure!

Git Rid Of It finds a lot of supplies that we are able to donate to the ones in need. We work closely with Bridges To Independence Program, we offer any assistance with furnishing homes in need and donating any items we see as such can be useful. We come across plenty of jobs that one may think is just their trash yet it is going to change someone else’s life. Our number one key is that if it is able to be donated that we make sure that it is given to the ones in need. We are not just a company but we are a helping hand to many in our community and beyond. We go as far as a company, as a team and most importantly a family to give back what is given unto us. It is said, “To do more for the world than the world does for you is sucess”.