Junk Removal & Dismantling Specialists | Fully Licensed & Insured

Appliance Removal In Northern VA

As a full service junk removal company, we get calls every day for appliance removal in our area. I mean who would really want to carry a heavy washer or dryer out the house to throw away? Well at Git Rid Of It it’s our pleasure to do that hard work for you. We have an experienced team of men that will come in and you can point out what needs to go and they will do the rest.  We will dispose of it in an eco-friendly manner, which we take to a local recycling facility. There they will break it down and use what parts are reusable and the rest strip down and sort out to be recycled. If it is still in working condition and is able to donated to a charity we will do so.



Lets Get That Shed Clutter Free

Of course, we are all guilty of it, we tend to throw all of our junk into the shed to get it out of the yard. If you can’t find it the first place you run to will always be the shed it the go to. Now you have just one more thing to throw into it and you realize that there isn’t any space left. You then realize that it’s time to clean it out and reorganize.

Here are some tips on how to make your shed a junk-free zone and keep it that way.

You should make it a point to clean out your shed at least once a year to throw out unused items. Throughout the summer you will find it’s easy to just throw everything and anything in the shed to get it out of your way. Yes it may de-clutter your yard but then you are set with a whole new project to un junk.

Wondering how to get started? Well here are a few ways you could go about it.

  1. Start with the larger items, if you haven’t used them in years then its time to retire. Donate or recycle is the main goal if it is still in working condition.
  2. Clear off your shelves and throw away any old items that are no longer able to be used.
    1. Old paint cans, used or old oil, rusted tools or old screws, nuts and bolts
    2. Chemicals if they are old and unusable throw away with the proper proceedings depending on the item.
  3. Go through any old boxes sitting around what is not being used throw in the trash.
  4. Go through any drawers that are in your shed storage containers, tool box drawers
    1. Seperate screws, nuts, bolts and put it in its own drawer
    2. Tools find a space just for them and organize as you please
  5. Once all that is done you can put the larger items back into the shed nice and organized and now you can enjoy your clutter free Shed.

At the end of your shed cleanout, you will be left with all the old junk that you need to be disposed of. Well no fear that is where Git Rid Of It comes into play, we are an eco-friendly junk removal company that will come and get rid of all of your old unused junk. After your long day of hard work, you can sit back and relax while we take care of the rest. Just give us a call and we will answer all of your junk removal needs.


Hot Tub Removal Fairfax Va

This morning we had a hot tub removal and showed up to dispose of but it seemed to be a little too early to cut it up. At Git Rid Of It we always manage to get the job done regardless of the situation, we are dedicated to our jobs. SO in the case that we couldn’t cut it up our men took it out whole.

Construction debris cleanup in chantilly

Our guys were called out to clean up a construction job in Chantilly, VA. We go and clear out all of the debris so the men doing the construction are able to work in a clean and safe environment. We make sure that we clean up and make it look like there was never any trash there in the first place. No better feeling than to be able to do your work in a clutter free environment.

Hot Tub Removal Annandale Va

Our guys were sent out to dispose of a hot tub in Alexandria. Typically when it comes to the hot tubs we ask that our customers cut all power source to the hot tub and unplug before our men are able to remove it. The process to remove is pretty simple depending on the size, we usually cut up in 4 sections and haul it away or if small enough the guys will dispose of the whole thing.

Hot tub removal Washington DC

Junk Removal And Donation In Haymarket VA

We had our men go out to a call in Haymarket for a job to receive donations and some junk they had to get rid of. We showed up and they had clothes, furniture, and toys to be given to donation. Along with some old worn out items and trash to be hauled away. As we always say at Git Rid Of It reduce, reuse and recycle.

The Benefits Of Clearing Clutter Out Of Your Home

The benefits of clearing out the clutter in your home is more than just for the space and the peace of mind knowing it got done. It is a proven fact that there is a link between cluttered surroundings and additional stress and who needs that extra stress in their life. Instead of letting all of the junk take up your space why not consider helping out the ones in need and donate the items. Which better way than to give back and just knowing that your old junk is helping people in need will do you good. With Git Rid Of It we try to recycle everything that is possibly able to be donated. Why waste a perfectly useful item when there are people in need. We actually donate are items to Bridges to Independence which is a program that leads individuals and families out of homelessness and into stable, independent futures.

Garage clean out in Fairfax VA

We had a customer give us a call to remove some items from the garage in Fairfax and donate them. Our guys showed up and sorted through the items to be donated and the other to be taken to the trash. Getting our early morning started with donations to help the ones in need.

Always Follow The 3 R’s

Here at Git Rid Of It we believe in using our resources and allowing ourselves to reduce, reuse and recycle in order to help our environment. Not everything that we come across is considered junk or trash it is able to be given to ones in need or taken to a recycling station. If you are able to follow the three R’s then you will have less clutter, more organization, and most importantly less trash.

REDUCE the amount of waste produced in your household to help the environment. The other two R’s will help you learn how to reduce.

Reuse to avoid throwing everything away in the trash. For example:

  • Use a gallon milk jug to water garden plants without standing there with a hose: Poke small holes in the bottom of the jug and bury it; fill with water for slow and steady irrigation.
  • Make a bird feeder out of a 2liter plastic bottle.
  • Don’t forget the old trick of using newspaper instead of paper towels to clean windows.
  • Torn and crumpled toilet paper tubes also make fine packing material.
  • Empty pill bottles need not head to the landfill when they can declutter your junk drawer, tool box, sewing kit, and so forth; they love to contain little things.
  • Clothes, toys and furniture can be donated instead of thrown away. Many other people can reuse an are in need of such items.

Recycle is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. Recyclable materials include many kinds of glass, paper, and cardboard, metal, plastic, tires, textiles, and electronics.

  • Metals account for the fourth largest percentage of our rubbish. Along with beer and soft drink cans, you can recycle “tin cans.”
  • Purchase products produced from recycled material. Look for the “recycled” symbol.
  • All kinds of glass containers—heavy or light—can be recycled. In addition, glass can be recycled and reused an indefinite number of times.
  • Reduce the number of paper and plastic bags your family uses by carrying reusable tote bags to grocery and department stores. Minimize use of paper towels, paper plates, and napkins. Invest in cloth napkins for everyday use, and choose reusable cloths, towels, and plates, rather than paper “throwaways.”


Shed Clean Up In Centreville Va

Our men are out cleaning up a collapsed shed in Centreville today. We got a call that a customer shed was collapsing and they needed us to come and remove it along with the items inside. Our men will have it cleaned up and out of the yard in no time.